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Photo of Vivian Ivet Hernandez Ruiz Chile

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"The word in the reaches of poetry." Language Imaginase it every day it is sufficient and that, nevertheless, say that Tien Mucho comunicarlo and needs. What to do? Create New Language? But as hacerlo, usted to be the grammar is a straitjacket and a...

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27.56 x 35.43 in
27.56 x 35.43 in
27.56 x 35.43 in
27.56 x 35.43 in
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"The word in the reaches of poetry." Language Imaginase it every day it is sufficient and that, nevertheless, say that Tien Mucho comunicarlo and needs. What to do? Create New Language? But as hacerlo, usted to be the grammar is a straitjacket and a jail with the logic? Entonces usted probably something inside saying, "he Hágase color, the line y ideogram him to shoot him subconscious unleashed. " Y is like giving birth to him Nuevo world with divine hands. This against the wall of a youth who has been able to resolve this dilemma since the dieciseis instinctively years. From that date, she has sprung universes and galaxies cell-¿What is the difference? - Equipped with a delicious polysemy. This seems like another world she see him with a telescope and a microscope ojo a otro him. Vienna su insinuarnos work in us but a boundary between macro and micro it, but all is one. "Lo is essential is invisible to ojos." Vivian Y is a painter of essences, hidden relationships, of the invisible. In concentrated su ni en el vaso pupil, nor in the Rayo de la Rueda, nor in the walls of the room, sino en el hare void that each of ello something useful for him Hombre. Vivian paints him in that-be of value to be. Vivian things in paints, Sino relations. Su espejo he Stendhal in ES, Carroll neither he nor it Joyce: su espejo please return in the image of things reflejos, the apparent bell nothing that unites them. Ya try it Hombre de las hare caves millennia, so ya hicieron los Incas del Peru with sus petroglyphs hare acronyms, ya it experienced the artistic avant-garde for decades, and all that is considered Universal History of Art. Here Ahora, this reprimand muchacha inaugurating this way, a la par, he suyo itself, which is universal for su uniqueness, she is authentic because it is the same since before stepping into a painting academy. Ayer y Hoy morning will usted might say, "Yo I was attacked this story."

In su presupuesto work puedo set algunos:

Notion of art: Create more than play.

cu lum: Material but exhibits.

Lo Cubano: In that light, but su La Palma Real.

True: Paint more by necessity than by external pressure inside.

He market: He la Estrella in the dark background. Propuesta: The intuition more than he concept. Hidden: Be crazy enough to question established truths Y it enough to establish truths cuerda nueva. Noel Gonzales Naples. Ciudad de la Habana, 2002 Tahoma ">


Tahoma "> Vivian Ivette Hernandez Ruiz, he was born December 1, 1969 the City of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province. Course studies to middle level education at the Academia de Bellas Artes de Cuba:" St. Alexander "in wool Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba, graduating in 1994 in the specialty of Painting. In 1995, laboring as creator Independiente associated with Victor Manuel Gallery, perteneciente the "Cuban Fund of Cultural Good" en la Ciudad de La Habana, where mantuvo su marketing work-up in November 2002. Studies: Academy Arts "St. Alexander" 1989-1994 Specialty Painting Exhibitions:

  • 1992. Contest Martí IN LA Plastic. National Academy "St. Alexander". Havana. Cuba.
  • Tahoma "> 1994 Group Exhibition of Graduates of the Academy" St. Alexander "
  • 1996 Group exhibition in the Gallery "Imago" El Gran Teatro de la Habana.
  • 1999 Exhibition at Galeria de la Cabana Fortress of the Assistant to the Gallery "Victor Manuel" section of the Cuban cultural heritage.
  • 2000 Exhibition Collective Gallery "Area 52" Havana Cuba.
  • 2001 Group exhibition "With the Miele and the book" Municipal Gallery of Cerro. Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba.
  • Personal Exhibition 2002 en el Diario La Nacion "Young Artists from Latin America"
  • 2005 Group exhibition in las periphery of the newspaper La Nacion.
Work as Artist independiente on July 1995, Victor Manuel Gallery associated with the Fund for Cuban cultural heritage. Their works are part of private collections in countries like USA, Mexico, France, Canada, Spain, Italy, England, Sweden, Norway, Mexico, Germany, among other Japón.

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